Achieving a successful score on the Kenntnisprüfung or the Hammerexamen isn't just about proving your medical knowledge; it's about confirming your commitment to a career that saves lives.
Alldone will give you all you need to achieve your goal!
So don't hesitate and prepare well for this exam with the Alldone workspace.
This study plan is in German only since you need to do the exam in German as well: Dieser Lernplan hat mir geholfen mich auf die Kenntnisprüfung vorzubereiten. Soweit ich weiss ist die Kenntnisprüfung identisch mit dem mündlichen Teil des Hammerexamens. Diese Checkliste listet pro Themenfeld alle großen Fächer auf und ermöglicht Dir so die einzelnen Themen auf die Tage und Wochen aufzuteilen, die Du noch zur Vorbereitung hast. Du musst dann "nur" noch lernen und die geschafften Themen abhaken.
Anna is the general AI Assistant from, powered by the same tech from OpenAI that powers ChatGPT. You can do pretty much you could also do with ChatGPT but Anna is fully integrated in Alldone and therefore knows the context of your questions and easier to access.
This AI Assistant can test and quiz you on any specific topic you tell her. This will help you learn a topic and help you see where you are!
Keep track of your progress & things to do with our all-in-one organizer with tasks, notes, goals, contacts, chats & more. Everything is already setup for your goal and just works. Finally you have everything you need in one app. If you wish we can match you into a project with people like you so you can achieve your goals together.