
Complete your specialization as a medical doctor in Germany as a (non-EU) foreigner

Karsten Wysk
Founder Alldone.app

Pursuing Medical Specialization in Germany: A Guide for (non-EU) Foreigners

Ah, Germany. Famous for its beer, bratwurst, and top-tier medical education. But is it the right place for a non-EU foreigner to pursue medical specialization? The short answer? Absolutely!

Why Germany is an attractive destination for medical specialization

When you think of world-class healthcare, Germany often stands out. Its healthcare system is efficient, and the training offered to medical professionals is second to none. Not to mention, Germany offers a blend of cutting-edge medical technology with a touch of age-old traditions. These factors make it a hotspot for ambitious doctors from around the world.

Prerequisites for non-EU doctors in Germany

Before jumping in, it's essential to get your ducks in a row.

Recognizing your medical degree in Germany

Not all degrees are created equal. Germany has specific criteria when recognizing foreign degrees. Most non-EU degrees need to be verified and approved by the State Health Authorities. Sounds daunting? It's a straightforward process, but it does require patience.

Language proficiency requirements

Gutentag! Knowing German isn't just helpful—it's essential. Patients trust doctors they can communicate with, and most of the medical training is in German. Aim for a B2 level at the very least, though C1 is preferable.

Licensing and Approbation Process

After your degree is recognized and you've proven your German skills, you'll need to obtain a medical license. This involves passing an examination and getting the 'Approbation' or full medical license.

Steps to begin your medical specialization journey in Germany

Okay, the prerequisites are out of the way. What next?

Choosing your specialization

From cardiology to pediatrics, your options are vast. Think about where your passion lies, and remember, Germany offers some specializations that might not be available in your home country.

Finding a training position (Weiterbildungsstelle)

Ah, the fun part! Start by researching hospitals, clinics, and practices that offer training in your chosen specialization.

Integrating into the German healthcare system

Immerse yourself. The German healthcare system is a well-oiled machine. Get familiar with their methods, ethics, and patient care standards.

Challenges faced by non-EU doctors and how to overcome them

Every rose has its thorns, right?

Cultural differences

Germans value punctuality, efficiency, and directness. While it might seem cold at first, understanding these nuances will make your integration smoother.

Building a professional network

It's not just what you know but who you know. Attend seminars, workshops, and conferences. The more people you meet, the more doors will open for you.

Benefits of completing your specialization in Germany

Once you're in, the advantages are endless. You'll have a globally recognized qualification, access to world-class equipment and methodologies, and the experience of working in one of the world's best healthcare systems.

Tips for thriving during your specialization period

  1. Stay curious: Medicine is ever-evolving. Keep learning.
  2. Engage with colleagues: Share experiences and seek advice.
  3. Be patient: Every system has its bureaucracy. Don't get disheartened.

Conclusion: Your path to a fulfilling medical career in Germany

Embarking on your medical specialization journey in Germany might seem overwhelming, but with preparation and determination, you're setting yourself up for an unmatched medical career. So, are you ready to take the leap?


  • Can I work while pursuing my specialization in Germany?
    Yes, many doctors work as assistant doctors during their specialization period.
  • Is it expensive to live in Germany during my training?
    The cost of living varies depending on the city. However, medical professionals receive a decent salary, which usually covers living expenses.
  • How long does the medical specialization take?
    It depends on the specialization, ranging from 4 to 6 years or more.
  • Do I need to renew my medical license?
    The 'Approbation' is permanent, but continuous medical education is essential to stay updated.
  • Can my family join me in Germany?
    Yes, there are provisions for family reunions for foreign professionals in Germany.

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Karsten Wysk
Founder Alldone.app

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